Language Clinic

_Tutor’s Language Clinic benefits students
who have not had a rich language development opportunity prior to formal
schooling (largely second language English speakers.) With a reading
passage as a basis, students complete various language-based tasks,
including repeated reading, the use of punctuation, sequencing events
within a story, new vocabulary, spelling and comprehension. Students
also learn and practise phonics and basic sight words to promote reading
fluency. In addition, they are encouraged, in a supportive and
positive atmosphere, to speak the language and so gain confidence in
their own ability to express themselves in English.
Tutor is also using this methodology with amazing results at Heritage Academy, Prestbury, Longmarket and Scottsville Primary Schools and at Tutor House in King Edward Ave.
Tutor is also using this methodology with amazing results at Heritage Academy, Prestbury, Longmarket and Scottsville Primary Schools and at Tutor House in King Edward Ave.